Your live auction is all set, you've collected some great packages, and you're counting on a successful live auction as a BIG part of your proceeds from the evening. But there's one problem: your guests didn't know what you were selling until the live auction started! Let's fix that!

One of the most popular and valuable items in many live auctions are travel experiences. Trips to sporting events, beach vacations, lake houses, Sonoma wine packages and others are often once-in-a-lifetime type trips. The best packages are those that are unavailable on the open market, and can only be purchased at events like yours.
However, if your attendees haven't had the chance to make PLANS to take advantage of this experience, they're unlikely to bid on it at the event. Pre-promotion is critical to success.
Use your database, with email addresses (also important) to send periodic messages to attendees, featuring one or two of your highlight items. Give them details, and give them the opportunity to have planning conversations, talk to friends (if it's a package that will accommodate a group), and consult their calendar to see if the booking window fits their availability. Then, they're an informed bidder, and an informed bidder is ALWAYS a better bidder!
We don't want these exclusive and desirable packages to be a surprise, do we? No! We want your attendees to come to the event fully prepared to bid-battle to be the winner!